Brrr!! It's so cold outside isn't it? I don't know about you, but I hate the cold! I'm not a big fan of snow, as I prefer to look at it whilst drinking a hot chocolate, rather than go out and play in it (well, yes I used to make snowmen when I was little but that was then....this is now...!!).
Anyway, I have discovered KNITTING, and I am SO incredibly addicted to it!! I have knitted lots of scarves and I thought I would post some up so that, if you are feeling chilly, looking at these will make you feel warm, and / or if you want to know what certain stitches might look like, here are the results! :o)
First off, I knitted in moss stitch and this was the result:
And I LOVED making the tassles!! :o) You can look us moss stitch anywhere but I am pretty sure its K1 P1 every row, but you have to remember to Knit the Pearls and Pearl and Knits on the next row. I used 4 balls for this one.
If you use the same pattern and Knit the Knits and Purl and Purls, you will end up with a rib stitch, like this one:
Now, you might not be able to see the ribbing as such, but the wool seems to constrict and get closer together when you do a rib, so if you want to do a rib stitch and be able to see the knit and the purl lines, be sure to add a couple more purls which will make it wider, yes, but you will be able to see the ribbing. I used 4 balls for this one too.
Next up is this one:
Now, the pattern for this one is here: and mine looks different because I put more stitches onto the needles to make a slightly wider scarf, therefore not as long as the one on the pattern. I am kind of regretting making it as wide as I did, but it's all experience, isn't it? :o) I used ONE ball of wool for this one - the pattern is for one ball but as I said, I began with more stitches therefore its wider and consequentially shorter. And yes, you have large holes running down the sides where you thread the ribbon - or whatever you like - and create tassels with them too!
The final one I made was this one:

I made the pattern up myself. Its K2 P2 (wide rib) and remember to Knit the Knits and Purl and Purls!! Do this for about 10 rows.
THEN switch to:
Row 1: K3 P3
Row 2: K1 P1
And do that for about 10 rows. Alternate this pattern and be sure to start and end each row with a knit stitch for a nice border. This pattern also means that your scarf will be slightly wavy! :o) 4 balls used for this one too. I also began and ended with the wide rib just to make it look more symmetrical I guess!
I love using chunky needles for these scarves, but anyone can use whatever they like. I like to use chunky wool too, I find it so much more therapeutic! :o)
Hope you have your Christmas crafting leftovers from crackers and next blog will be of a Christmas theme. I know, Christmas is just over, but in the crafting world, it's always Christmas! ;oD