I thought it was time to get this blog going again!
I will start off with six cards whic

h I made to take on holiday to Canada with me, for the Bed and Breakfasts we stayed in. After I had been playing with one of my holiday scrapbooks, adding bits and pieces, I thought this was a great, simple idea. I bought a set of SIX stikers, which were spongy and glossy. I got a square card and stuck one in the middle of each card. I then simply took a black rollerball pen and drew around the edge of each sticker, which finished it of nicely - a border without a border, in effect!
I then just added a handwritten "thankyou" underneath each one.

When I got back home from holiday, it turns out that two of the places I gave these cards to had written back telling me how much they appreciated the card, and the fact it was home-made gave it such a personal touch, which they loved! Many thanks to our hosts at The Treehouse Bed and Breakfast in Vancouver, and Harvey House Bed and Breakfast in Tofino, Vancouver Island - BOTH of which I highly recommend!!